Best Plyometric Training Exercise Box

plyometric exercise box

Best Plyometric Training Exercise Box

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woman using plyometric box


couple using plyometric box


man using plyometric box



Plyometrics is a kind of explosive workout, basically a sequence of stretching and contraction of muscles to produce more strength in short intervals. This type of training is aimed to enrich muscular power. For instance, when a muscle gets stretched, it is followed by contraction; this is a protective reflex action that avoids muscle tearing. Everyone almost experiences a very common example of plyometrics. Sometimes you are walking on the street, and your ankle twists, but you can walk straight again instead of falling. This is the stretching and contraction sequence of your muscle, the twist of the ankle is the stretching of muscle, which is sensed by the brain, and as a protective reflex, a message is sent to contract that muscle, making you able to walk straight back again. The stretching and contracting or stretch-shortening cycle of a muscle is the fundamental concept of plyometrics, which improves the strength & speed of the muscle. Professor Yuri Verkhoshanksy invented plyometrics in the 1950s.

Plyometrics Benefits

  • Improves Strength
  • Improves running speed
  • Improves physical and mental agility
  • Improves long-jump distance
  • Improves vertical-jump height
  • Improves hitting and throwing ability
  • Opens neurological pathways


The goal of Plyometric training

Plyometric training enhances the reflex action mechanism, and as a result, the nervous system action and reaction time is improved in a muscle. As a result, it helps the muscle produce more power to contract swiftly from a pre-stretched posture. Plyometric training enhances body control, muscle movement pattern, striking velocity, and joints stability. It is more important for an athlete to develop strength and speed in a specific sport, and it can be achieved with plyometric training.


10 Best plyometric exercises

Plyometric exercises can be classified into lower-body plyometrics and upper body plyometrics.

Lower body plyometric exercises

For the lower body plyometrics, bodyweight is used mainly. Here are some lower-body plyometric exercises:

Land off the Box

Land off the Box exercise is performed by standing up straight on the box, making a jumping posture, and jumping off the box, making a soft landing. The height of the box should be anywhere from 3-inches to 1-feet. Before performing this exercise, it is necessary to learn how to jump and land on the ground. Stand on the edge of the box, jump off, keeping your knees bent and hips back while landing. Bending your joints efficiently makes them absorb more force. Now stand up again on the box and repeat the same process.

Land on the Box or Box jump

Take a box of suitable size and place it right in front of you. Bend your knees and keep your hips back, jump up onto the box and stand up right away. Make sure you land the box softly, and you do not feel rigid legs. The height of the box should be suitable, although more height improves more jump strength. Land off the box and repeat the steps using the right posture.

Lateral Skater jumps

Most of the exercises in a normal routine involve forward and backward movements; similarly, the lateral movements are necessary to build up muscles that are ignored in those exercises. The lateral skater jumps are done with the support of one leg, and therefore the jump height is normal. It is performed by raising one leg and pushing the ground with the opposite leg making lateral jumps. Remember to land softly on the ground with one leg, bending the knee and keeping your hips back.


Take an elastic or flexible band and tie it to a fixed object. Wear the band around your waist and make a jump in the forward direction and come back to the initial position. The band controls your jump by offering opposite resistance. Make sure your knees are bent, and make soft landings.


To perform this exercise, sit down by bending your knees pushing the ground with your legs and holding your hands down. Now push the ground, making a jump straight upward, and throw your hands overhead. While landing back, keep your legs bent to make the landing soft.


The jump rope is not a high jump exercise; however, it is the best plyometric exercise to improve foot speed and Calf-muscle strength. Put your legs together and start jumping rope in the upward direction. Land on your toes and keep your feet together. When you are trained, you can also perform this exercise keeping on leg up and perform a jump with the opposite leg, which improves your muscular stress level.



For the upper body plyometrics, some external resistance such as a medicine ball is used. We use a medicine ball because upper body plyometrics are performed with hands that are not as strong as our legs, so the medicine ball offers us resistance and makes the exercise easy. This training may involve passing, throwing and some catching practices.


To perform this exercise, find a rigid wall that takes the impact of the medicine ball. Stand comfortably in front of the wall, keep a distance between your feet, and bring the medicine ball to chest level with bent elbows. Now push your arms backwards and throw the ball onto the wall with extended straight elbows. You can keep a 3-5 meters distance from the wall.

Overhead Throw

This exercise helps in developing muscles that are involved in overhead hand movement used in various sports. This exercise strengthens your shoulder joints. To perform this exercise, spread one leg on the ground behind your hips and stand with the opposite leg keeping the knee bent; in short, make a staggered posture. Bring the medicine ball behind your head, holding it with both hands and release or throw the ball in the forward direction onto the wall forcefully. Catch the ball on the bounce back and repeat the steps.

Plyo Push-Up

This exercise is best for individuals having strong upper body strength. It helps in developing shoulders, abs, triceps and chest. To start with this exercise, make a push-up position keeping your hands below your shoulders and a straight spine position. Continue by lowering the chest to the floor and push up yourself with force launching your hands into the air, clap the hands and gently release to catch yourself. Now back to the starting position and repeat the steps.

Medicine Ball Slams

Medicine ball slams help to enhance upper body speed and develop overall power & strength. Take a medicine ball raised overhead and stand on your toes. Now throw the ball onto the ground with maximum force making a squatting down position with bent knees and hips back. Catch the ball on the bounce back to avoid a face clash. Perform this exercise on a solid concrete floor that can withstand the ball impact.

Benefits of a Plyometric exercise Box

The plyometric box is used to carry out various plyometric training. Plyo box helps in plyometric jumps that involve muscle stretching and contraction. Here are some benefits of the plyometric exercise box:

  • Plyometric exercise box helps to improve vertical jump range
  • It improves output energy and calorie burn
  • Best for getting lower body muscles more robust and powerful
  • It makes you able to carry out explosive workouts
  • It improves joints stability
  • It reduces the risk of injuries occurred during explosive workouts


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